Sybil Mitchell Beatteay (D)

Speed Skating
Saint John
Year Inducted

If ever there was a young person who was pre-destined for greatness, it was Sybil Beatteay.Her grandfather was Elijah Ross of the Paris Crew, a 1972 Hall of Fame inductee; her coach was Hilton Belyea, a 1971 inductee, and her contemporaries were, inductees all, Harry Smyth, Willie Logan, Johnny Quigg and Oakie O’Connor.Her career covered a 13 year period from 1920 to 1933.In that span of time, she won countless age-class titles, 9 provincial and maritime senior championships, a second place finish in the North Americans, and in 1929, the Canadian Senior ladies Championship.At least in her case, pre-destination worked- for tonight she joins those other champions in her provincial sport shrine. Enrolled in the New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame, June 4th, 1983.
Quick Facts
Won Saint John, provincial and Maritime speed skating titles in the 10, 12 and 14-year-old class for girls
Won nine Saint John, provincial and Maritimes Senior Ladies speed skating championships between 1923-33
Was the Canadian Ladies Senior champion speed skater in 1929
Won second place in the ¾ mile event at the North American Women’s Speed Skating Championship in 1930