Boxing fans, mark your calendars! On May 25th at 6 PM, we're thrilled to present "Pugilist Pride: A Boxer's Life" a photography exhibit featuring the work of Fredericton-based photographer Gary Weekes.
This powerful collection of black-and-white images captures the sweat, struggle, and determination of the athletes of the Fredericton Boxing Club.
Amateurs de boxe đ„, Ă vos agendas ! Le 25 mai Ă 18 h, nous sommes ravis de prĂ©senter " Pugilist Pride : A Boxer's Life ", une exposition photographique mettant en vedette le travail de la photographe Gary Weekes, de Fredericton. Cette puissante collection d'images en noir et blanc capture la sueur, la lutte et la dĂ©termination des athlĂštes du Fredericton Boxing Club.