Sports Ambassadors
Programs like the Sports Ambassadors, promotes the
benefits of sport participation and inspires youth to
participate in sport through the delivery of compelling
personal stories delivered by our Sports Ambassadors in
our schools in both official languages.

The New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame offers many exhibits that showcase the incredible achievements of our athletes. Your donations enable us to maintain the exhibits and preserve our sports history through the artefacts that are on display and that are in our collection.

We pride ourselves as being an active member of our community. We encourage families to visit us, so everyone can be inspired and learn about the incredible stories of our New Brunswick athletes and builders. Your donations help us to provide numerous community events throughout the year where families and groups can visit us all year long.

Other initiatives like Heritage Fairs, Off-Site Exhibits as well as Educational Programs within the New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame allow us to share the stories of these incredible New Brunswickers, showing the next generation that with determination and hard work anyone is capable of greatness.
Your Donations at Work
We need your financial support. Please Join Our Team with a donation today that will make a difference tomorrow and for the years to come.
We invite you to support the New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame. As a charitable not-for-profit organization, we rely on the generosity of donors like you. Your support will help us celebrate our sports heritage, while offering a fun and interactive experience to our guests and hopefully inspire the next generation of sports heroes.
There are many ways you can lend your support from volunteering to making a financial or artefact donation. Please give us your support and Join Our Team today!
Help us honour New Brunswick’s sport legends and Join Our Team by filling out this form and donating to the New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame. Together, we can ensure that these initiatives and the stories they tell continue to inspire for years to come.
Making a donation to the New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame can have a lasting impact in our province, and has never been easier!
How to donate
You Can Donate Securely Online
All Donors will receive a tax receipt for the full value of their donation.
Canada Revenue Agency Registered Charitable Identification Number:
81827 4474 RR0001
The New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame would like to kindly ask that you consider us as your charity of choice during your planned giving and estate planning decisions. Planned giving options could include either a charitable donation or artefact gift to our museum collection.
Financial gifts can be made over a period of time, that can be arranged with us, or a one-time donation. Please consult with your family and financial advisors to determine how you would like to support us into the future.
Planned Giving
Wills and Bequests
Retirement Plans
Life Insurance
In-Kind gifts such as artefacts will have a new life in our collection and will be treated respectfully through our exhibits.
Please feel free to contact us anytime if you have any questions about making any arrangements.
Common Forms of Planned Giving
Artefact Donations
If you have an historical item you are interested in donating to the NB Sports Hall of Fame or if you own a sports item and need help identifying its’ history, please contact the NB Sports Hall of Fame at info@nbshf.ca
The New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame offers many exhibits that showcase the incredible achievements of our athletes. Your donated artefacts can have a new life by being featured in upcoming exhibits and are preserved in our collections.

Thank you for your interest in organizing an event in support of the New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame. Fundraising events allow us to maintain and expand our programs and services. We greatly appreciate your willingness to support our mission, however, in order to maintain the integrity of our organization, we require all events adopt and follow the standards included in this document.
If the event is being requested to be hosted in the New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame, please see the Events and Meeting Space Rentals section at www.nbsportshalloffame.com. If the New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame is the sole recipient of the fundraising efforts, rental fees can be negotiated or waived on a case-by-case basis.
Please click here if you have reviewed and understand the following:
To respect the standards and practices of the New Sports Hall of Fame listed within this document.
That the New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame cannot enter into any agreement with any business, organization or individual when there is a potential conflict of interest with the
organization’s programs and policies. -
That the New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame reserves the right to deny any application or fundraising activity that does not complement our mission and values, or project a positive image of the New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame.
To treat these standards like any other copy written material.
That these standards cannot be transferred to any other third party or other event not indicated within this document.
Building Inspiration
To celebrate our 50th Induction Gala in 2019 and our 50th Birthday in 2020, we announced the start of our Building Inspiration campaign with a goal of raising $300,000.00 and we succeeded.
We are thrilled to have received funding from generous supporters (listed below). Through their donations we accomplished our goal to build our 50-seat theatre called Alden R. Clark. They truly made the difference for us, and we are extremely grateful!
Supporters are honoured on our donor recognition wall just outside the theatre. Take our 3D tour for an up-close view.