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Evan “Ev" Trites (D)


Evan Ev Trites






Saint John

Year Inducted


Sport Ambassador


Behind every successful sport program can be found a competent organizer. Ev Trites, long-time resident of Saint John, was, in the words of one of his army of admirers, "The best organizer I've ever seen." The term "the best" had been applied to Ev Trites before - in his business and his military careers where he rose through the ranks because of his leadership talents. Baseball, softball and bowling occupied much of his time and attention before World War II. Since 1977 he played a leading role in obtaining the Canada Summer Games for Saint John. But, it is for his 38 years of contributions to golf and curling that we honour him. The awards he received were many and prestigious; so too, were the contributions he made to the world of sport in New Brunswick and at the national level. Enrolled in the New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame, June 2, 1984.

Quick Facts

  • Chairman of the National Mixed Curling Committee from 1971-76 

  • Served on the executive of the NB Curling Association from 1973-75 

  • Served on the executive of the NB Mixed Curling Association from 1974-76 

  • Chairman of the National Senior Committee from 1977-81 

  • Secretary-Treasurer of the NB Golf Association from 1975-83 

  • Served as Chairman of the Saint John Canada Summer Games Bid Committees in 1977 and '85 

  • Inducted into the Canadian Curling Hall of Fame in 1985

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